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Get 10% off on your first order. Use code FRONTIERRAAS10

Rule Bending Women

I am both war and woman; you cannot stop me!

International women’s day is celebrated on 8th March every year to mark our progress towards achieving gender parity and empowering women. History points towards the dichotomy where we simultaneously transcend into belittling and praising our women.

We constantly pursue the call for equality, yet society manages to fill and assert the pre-existing patriarchal system. A woman in this misogynistic society has always been burdened with the constructs of a man. The majoritarian concept of a woman has always been that ‘she’ should remain submissive and under misogynistic lenses, any trace of rebellious uncandor issubjugated or is prejudiced.

“Imagine a gender-equal world. A world free of bias, stereotypes, and discrimination. A world that is diverse, equitable, and inclusive. A world where difference is valued and celebrated. Together we can forge women’s equality. Collectively we can all #BreakTheBias.” IWD 2022

And collectively we just might have! There’s an organic shift of collective consciousness across the globe, a shift in the mindset of the people. The newer generations are welcoming and non-conforming to the olden standards. The lines have never been this blurry and it’s a blessing in disguise for us that the constructs that once seemed implausible seem to mold with the newer times. Today women are world leaders, CEOs at leading multinational companies, activists, teachers, eclectic drivers, influencers, connoisseurs of aesthetics and culture. A woman is everything and more!

As a women-centric brand, we curate to celebrate a woman and all that she represents. At Frontier Raas, every day is women’s day. Our fine weaves are chosen and picked for her everyday needs, an ensemble for all her moods. We design to be a part of your journey, whether a long day at work or your first day after the big fat wedding- celebrating and uplifting you in every phase of your life.

-Oh, but that’s not all! -

We like to indulge ourselves in advancing women’s careers by providing equal work opportunities and a fair chance of making it at life. Our efforts are for women from all walks of life whether it's the female artisans spinning fine woven fabrics, the daily wage earners at the unit; female designers, or the models we feature. We are proud to be creating career opportunities for women workers every day of the year. As should we all, if not by much – a little effort goes a long way!

-Appreciate and celebrate -

Women who are strong pillars of their families; women who are assets to their businesses. The wild children of the garden, who are fierce daughters of freedom.

The House of Frontier Rass is an ardent ambassador of women who were, are, and will be.

We, women, have the reigns of the times in our hands while we ride to equality to #BREAKTHEBIAS a little courage is required, trust me! You are enough and you deserve everything our world has to offer. Only, should we never forget to celebrate each other’s victories and not resort to petty prejudices? It’s the sign of times, that things are changing for good, and we should let the momentum go for generations to come.